Since 1997

From the beginning, Backbone Communications Inc. (BBCOM) has stood for providing services that meet your needs. Founded in 1997, BBCOM now provides converged data and voice services. Our managed growth has enabled us to become one of the rare technology companies that is currently profitable.

BBCOM began as a data transport company providing connectivity solutions for the business enterprise. Our quality of service and aggressive pricing soon advanced us to provider of choice for savvy buyers.

As we grew, customer feedback convinced us that we could benefit our customers with a convergence of data and voice services. After careful study and preparation BBCOM entered into the voice services arena. We can proudly say that we have now provided over one billion minutes of voice services to businesses and resellers.

Beyond Today

Throughout this time we continued to refine our backbone network, always improving and perfecting it - not just for today's needs but for tomorrow's as well. Our network enables us to provide converged voice, data, and conferencing services with unparalleled quality.

In 2004, BBCOM rolled out a comprehensive VOIP service portfolio with new VOIP service offerings being added constantly. BBCOM's VOIP services provide a full range of solutions to meet the needs of every business - no matter what its size.

Our mission is to continue to make our converged services the finest means available to transport your data and voice with performance, reliability and security. By doing so, we intend to become one of the Nation's premier communications companies.